• General Planning and Consultation

    Not sure where to start? We can talk you through developing research questions, creating surveys and other data collection instruments, and finding third-party sources of data. We can help you determine when qualitative data may be helpful to fill gaps in the available quantitative data. We provide general consultation on data interpretation and making decisions with data for professional and lay audiences.

  • Data Analysis

    We use a variety of analytic techniques to explore data our clients have collected. From multilevel modeling to machine learning, we use the appropriate statistics to test your research questions. We summarize your data into meaningful conclusions and recommended action steps.

  • Data Visualization and Dashboards

    We work to present complex data simply using a number of data visualization tools. Our goal with dashboards and visualization tools is to make decision-making quick, easy, and data-driven. We can create dashboards in a number of platforms, including custom coded web-based dashboards.